(Active near 1750 - 1785)
Je suis pauvre et exercé par le travail de mon enfance
Handcolored engraving
(Active near 1750 - 1785)
St François de Paule
Handcolored engraving
(Active near 1750 - 1785)
S. Joannes Baptista, Jesu Christi Proecursor
Handcolored engraving
(active in the first part of the 19th century)
Saint Michel
Handcoloured woodcut
(active in the first part of the 19th century)
Saint Sébastien, Martyr
Handcoloured woodcut
(active in the first part of the 19th century)
Le Saint Suaire.
Handcoloured woodcut
(active in the first part of the 19th century)
Saint Pierre
Handcoloured woodcut
(17? - 1820)
La Mariée de Village
Etching handcoloured
Publisher and dealer (active between 1740-1775)
Joseph explique a l'Echanson et au Pannetier leur Songe
Etching handcoloured
Publisher and dealer (active between 1740-1775)
La Chasteté de Joseph
Etching handcoloured
(active c. 1849 - 1852)
Les plaisirs de l'hiver. Les patineurs
handcoloured woodcut
(Active from 1840 to 1851)
Le convoi du chasseur
Lithograph handcoloured
(Beginning of the XIXth century)
Puella Sinensis
Miles Sinensis
Etching handcolored
(Beginning of the XIXth century)
Medicus Sinensis
Musicus Sinensis
Etching handcolored
(Beginning of the XIXth century)
Herbarius Sinensis
Foemina Musica Sinensis
Etching handcolored
(Beginning of the XIXth century)
Matrona Sinensis
Magus Sinensis
Etching handcolored
(Beginning of the XIXth century)
Alius Musicus Sinensis
Alius Miles Sinensis
Etching handcolored
(c. 1780)
Représentation of the superb fireworks fireworks display in front of the Hotel de Ville in Paris on 14 December 1783 ....
Etching handcoloured
(End of the XVIIIth)
Une femme consultant Nostradamus
Etching handcolored
(1684 - 1756)
S. Sophia
Handcoloured etching
(1684 - 1756)
Floral headband
Handcoloured etching
(1684 - 1756)
The view, Visus
Handcoloured etching
(1801 - 1863)
Le miroir du pêcheur
Handcolored woodcut
(1801 - 1863)
La très-Sainte Vierge
Epinal imagery
Handcolored woodcut
(1801 - 1863)
Jésus entre deux larrons
Epinal imagery
Handcolored woodcut
(1801 - 1863)
Jésus entre avec ses apotres
Epinal imagery
Handcolored woodcut
(1801 - 1863)
Jésus-Christ orné des quinze principaux mystères de la religion
Epinal imagery
Handcolored woodcut
(1618 - 1624)
Imago D. Virginis a S. Luca
(19th century)
Confrérie du très saint sacrement
Etablie dans l'église Pte du Grand et Petit Gentilly... du temps de Monsieur Anquier curé Dirigée Par MM Triquoit
Marguilliers en Charge pour l'année 1838 et M de Blanque
Handcolored engraving
Edited By Berthel, Paris