(Marseille 1805 - 1888 Paris)
Marie Éléonore GODEFROY (1778 - 1849)
(1783 - 1847)
After François Gérard ( 1770-1837)
(1759 - 1840)
Détails du Muflier à Grande Fleur, plate from "La Botanique de Jean-Jacques Rousseau" (1805)
Stipple engraving printed in colour finished by hand
(1759 - 1840)
COCHLEARIA OFFICINALIS, cranson officinal, plate from "La Botanique de Jean-Jacques Rousseau" (1805)
Stipple engraving printed in colour and enhanced with watercolour.
(1759 - 1840)
Engraved by L.F Allais
BUNIAS Spinosa, plate16 from "Les Liliacées" (1802-1816)
Stipple engraving printed in colour finished by hand
(1759 - 1840)
Engraved by Chapuy
ALLIUM Moschatum, AIL Musqué, plate100 from "Les Liliacées" (1802-1816)
Stipple engraving printed in colour finished by hand
(1759 - 1840)
Engraved by Fassaert
TULIPA Celsiana, TULIPE de Cels, plate 38 from "Les Liliacées" (1802-1816)
Stipple engraving printed in colour finished by hand
(1759 - 1840)
Engraved by Gabrielle
GLADIOLUS Orobanche, GLAYEUL Orobanche, plate 125 from "Les Liliacées" (1802-1816)
Stipple engraving printed in colour finished by hand
(1759 - 1840)
Engraved by Chapuy
ALLIUM Scorzonerafolium, AIL à feuilles de Scozonère plate 99 from "Les Liliacées" (1802-1816)
Stipple engraving printed in colour finished by hand
(1759 - 1840)
Engraved by L.F Allais
CENTAUREA Pumila, plate 9 from "Les Liliacées" (1802-1816)
Stipple engraving printed in colour finished by hand
(1759 - 1840)
Engraved by Chapuy
IXIA Polystachia, IXIA à plusieurs épis, plate 126 from "Les Liliacées" (1802-1816)
Stipple engraving printed in colour finished by hand
(1759 - 1840)
Engraved by Chapuy
GLADIOLUS Plicatus, GLAYEUL Plissé, plate 90 from "Les Liliacées" (1802-1816)
Stipple engraving printed in colour finished by hand
(1759 - 1840)
Engraved by Langlois
CONVALLARIA Japonica, MUGUET du Japon, plate 80 from "Les Liliacées" (1802-1816)
Stipple engraving printed in colour finished by hand
(1759 - 1840)
Engraved by L.F Allais
METROSIDEROS Anomala, plate 5 from "Les Liliacées" (1802-1816)
Stipple engraving printed in colour finished by hand
(1759 - 1840)
Engraved by N. Langlois
VIEUSSEUXIA GLAUCOPIS, VIEUSSEUXIE à Taches Bleues, plate 42 from "Les Liliacées" (1802-1816)
Stipple engraving printed in colour finished by hand
(1759 - 1840)
Engraved by Chapuy
ALLIUM Carolinianum, AIL de Caroline, plate 101 from "Les Liliacées" (1802-1816)
Stipple engraving printed in colour finished by hand
(1759 - 1840)
OEILLET D'INDE from "Choix Des Plus Belles Fleurs"
Engraved by Bessin
Stipple engraving handcoloured
(1759 - 1840)
Aquatint handcoloured
(1759 - 1840)
Stipple engraving handcoloured
(1759 - 1840)
REDUTEA heterophylla
Stipple engraving handcoloured
(1759 - 1840)
Stipple engraving handcoloured
(1759 - 1840)
EPIDENDRUM Bifidum - EPIDENDRE à deux lobes
Stipple engraving handcoloured
(1759 - 1840)
IXIA à fleurs de Phlox - NIVEOLE d'été
Stipple engraving handcoloured
(1759 - 1840)
MAGNOLIA Soulangiana
Stipple engraving handcoloured
(1759 - 1840)
Stipple engraving handcoloured
(1759 - 1840)
GLADIOLUS cuspidatus - GLAYEUL en pointe
Stipple engraving handcoloured
(1759 - 1840)
DATURA Loevis - DATURA à fruit lisse
Stipple engraving handcoloured
(1759 - 1840)
Stipple engraving handcoloured
(1759 - 1840)
Engraved by Gabriel
IXIA LILIAGO. IXIA FLEUR DE LIS, plate 109 from "Les Liliacées" (1802-1816)
Stipple engraving printed in colour finished by hand
(1759 - 1840)
Engraved by Bessin
Jacinthe d'Orient, variété rose, Hyacinthus Orientalis, Plate from "Choix des plus belles fleurs"
Stipple engraving printed in colour finished by hand