Galerie Christian Collin

Old prints and modern prints
Contemporary prints
Japanese prints


17th and 18th

149 Résultats

  • ALESSANDRI Innocente

  • (1741 - 1803)

    Song of the far angel hurry the hunter's foot ... 

    after Domenico Maggiotto (1712 - 1794)

    Engraving and etching

  • 300 EUR
  • See the technical
  • BARATTI Antonio

  • (1724 - 1787)

    Entertainment laid on for the Grand Duke and Duchess of Russia in St Benoit theater in Venice, the 22th of January 1782.

    after Giambattista Canal (1745 - 1825)

    Etching and engraving

  • Sold
  • See the technical
  • BARBAZZA Francesco

  • (Active between 1771 - 1789)

    Inside the Sistine Chapel

    after Francesco Pannini (1738 - 1800)

    Etching and engraving

  • 600 EUR
  • See the technical
  • BARTOLOZZI Francesco

  • (1727 - 1815)

    Neptune and Amphitrite, from a series of four

    D'après Giovanni Battista CIPRIANI (1727 - 1785)

    Etching and aquatint

  • 180 EUR
  • See the technical
  • BARTOLOZZI Francesco

  • (Florence 1727 - 1815 Lisbon)

    Amours mangeant du raisin

    After Giovanni Battista CIPRIANI (1727 - 1785)

    Etching and stipple engraving printed in brown

  • 180 EUR
  • See the technical
  • BELLA Stefano della

  • (Florence 1610 - 1664)

    La statue de Ferdinand Ier, grand-duc de Toscane, plate 1 from Vues du port de Livourne


  • 400 EUR
  • See the technical
  • BENEDETTI Michele

  • (1707 - 1783)

    Sophia Laughs

    after Anton Hickel (1745 - 1798)

    Stipple engraving


  • Sold
  • See the technical
  • BERARDI Francesco

  • (1728 - 1788)

    Mentre dell'acque i muti abotatori...

    After Giuseppe ZAIS (1709 - 1784)


  • 210 EUR
  • See the technical
  • BERTELLI Francesco

  • (Active in the XVIIth Century)

    Il Famosissimo Triompho di Bacco

    after Giulio Romano (1499 - 1546) and Raphaël (1483 - 1520)

    Copper engraving

  • 900 EUR
  • See the technical
  • BOLDRINI Nicolo

  • (1510 - 1570)

    Venus and Cupid

    after Titian (1489/90 - 1576)


  • 250 EUR
  • See the technical
  • BOLOGNINI Giovanni Battista

  • (1611 - 1688)

    Bacchus meeting Ariadne abandoned in Naxos island

    after Guido Reni, called The Guide (1575 - 1642)


  • 1300 EUR
  • See the technical
  • BONATO Pietro and BERTINI Angelo

  • (1765 - 1820) and (Active at the beginning of the XIXth)

    The three Graces

    after Antonio Canova (1757 - 1822) and Giovanni Battista Borani (active c. 1810) 

    Etching and engraving 

  • 550 EUR
  • See the technical
  • BOSSI Benigno

  • (1727 - 1793)

    Bearded man with a feathered hat

    Etching in brown
  • 90 EUR
  • See the technical
  • CANAL C.

  • (Middle of the XVIIIth century)

    Nel loco istesso ove sorgean poc'anzi torregiar fanno gli atterrati avanzi (On the very spot where they stood just now towered the earthly remains)

    after Marco Ricci (1676 - 1730)


  • Sold
  • See the technical
  • CANALLI Nicolaus

  • Le géomètre

    After Giovanni Battista PIAZZETTA (1683 - 1754)


  • 210 EUR
  • See the technical
  • CASTIGLIONE Giovanni Benedetto

  • (1609 - 1664)

    A bearded man looking down



  • 900 EUR
  • See the technical
  • CATTINI Giovanni

  • (c.1715 - c.1804)


    after Giovanni Battista Piazzetta (1682 - 1754)



  • Sold
  • See the technical
  • COLLE Pellegrino dall

  • (1737 - 1812)

    Fortunatus et ille, Deos qui novit agrestes....

    After Francesco LONDONIO (1723 - 1783)


  • 230 EUR
  • See the technical
  • DEL PEDRO Francesco

  • (1749 - 1806)

     Dic, inquit opemque Me sine ferre tibi : non est mea pigra senectus. Seu furor est, habeo que carmine sanet et herbis Sive aliquis nocuit, magico lustrabere ritu

    after Le Nain


  • 350 EUR
  • See the technical
  • DEL PEDRO Francesco

  • (1749 - 1806)

    Sont plus souans que l'intrepide anglais. Si le Germain l'emporte sur l'Ibère.

    after Giovanni Battista Mengardi (1738 - 1796)

    Engraving and etching

  • 300 EUR
  • See the technical