Galerie Christian Collin

Old prints and modern prints
Contemporary prints
Japanese prints



Sylvie Abélanet studied at the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Appliqués Duperré in Paris from 1979 to 1985. As painter-engraver and mosaicist, she founded the Atelier d'Arts Plastiques, in 1994, named after Pierre Soulages and which she has run ever since. After many years spent in collective printmaking workshops, she set up the Désir d'encre workshop in Charenton in 2008. 

As a painter-engraver, Sylvie Abélanet is equally interested in experimenting with etching and intaglio techniques, using aquatint and soft-ground etching. Inspired by literature and poetry, her work draws up a strange cartography of aquatic elements, plants and animals. She plays with ruptures and inversions of scale that have the effect of disturbing the viewer, tipping a flower or a character out of its figurative reality. Sylvie Abélanet is deeply in tune with medieval iconography when she interprets the biblical scene of Paradise or the Persian poem, the Song of Birds, especially when it is enriched by the precise observation of nature.


Photographic credit : Jean-François Deroubaix


Sylvie Abélanet

  • ABELANET Sylvie

  • (Fontenay-sous-Bois, 1962)

    The Primates

    Etching, soft ground etching and aquatint 

  • 400 EUR
  • See the technical
  • ABELANET Sylvie

  • (Fontenay-sous-Bois, 1962)

    Light touch

    Woodblock print

  • 800 EUR
  • See the technical
  • ABELANET Sylvie

  • (Fontenay-sous-Bois, 1962)

    Light touch

    Woodblock print

  • 800 EUR
  • See the technical