(Paris 1736 - ?)
Crayon manner, impression in black.
(17.. - 1775)
À quelque chose malheur est bon.
After Marc-Antoine PARELLE (active c.1766 - c.1774)
Crayon manner engraving, impression in sanguine
(17.. - 1775)
Tête de femme penchée à droite
After François BOUCHER (1703 - 1770)
Crayon manner engraving, impression in red
(1736 - 1793)
Tête de Laitière Moscovite and Tête de Servante Finoise
after Jean-Baptiste Leprince (1734 - 1781)
Crayon manner, impression in black and white
(1736 - 1793)
Portrait of painter's daughter, Anna Van Loo
after Carle van Loo (1705 - 1765)
Crayon manner, impression in black with highlights of white chalk
(Paris 1736 - 1793)
Le sommeil de Vénus
After François BOUCHER (Paris 1703 - 1770)
Crayon manner on blue paper, impression in black and white
(Paris 1736 - 1793)
After François Le Moine (1688-1737)
Vertume and Pomonne
Crayon manner, impression in colours
(Paris 1736 - 1793)
After François BOUCHER (1703 - 1770)
Crayon manner, impression in black and blood orange.
(1736 - 1793)
The Young Widow
after Jacques-Philippe Caresme (1734 - 1796)
Crayon manner, impression in red and black
(1736 - 1793)
Young woman putting her clothes back on
after Jean-Baptiste Le Prince (1734 - 1781)
Crayon manner, impression in red
(Paris 1736 - 1793)
You man's face
After Guido RENI (1575 - 1642)
Crayon manner, impression in red.
(1736 - 1793)
Portrait of painter's daughter, Marie-Rosalie Van Loo
after Carle van Loo (1705 - 1765)
Crayon manner, impression in red
(1736 - 1793)
Young woman stand out viewed in three-quarter
after Jean-Baptiste Le Prince (1734 - 1781)
Crayon manner, impression in red
(Paris 1736 - 1793)
The Bird-trapper
After François BOUCHER (1703 - 1770)
Crayon manner, impression in red
(1736 - 1793)
Young woman seated on her bed
after François Boucher (1703 - 1770)
Crayon manner, impression in red
(1736 - 1793)
Venus and Love on a dolphin
after François Boucher (1703 - 1770)
Crayon manner
(Paris 1736 - 1793)
Jeune femme assise sur un lit
After François BOUCHER (1703 - 1770)
Crayon manner, impression in black.
(Paris 1736 - 1793)
Joseph's head
after Jean-Baptiste-Henri Deshayes (Colleville 1729 - Paris 1765)
Crayon manner, impression in blood-orange.
(Paris 1751 – 17..)
Ornements de la colonne Trajane
Crayon manner, impression in blood orange
(active end of the 18th century - beginning of the 19th century)
La Joye tranquille
after Marie-Geneviève BOULIARD (1763 - 1825)
Crayon manner
(1754 – ?)
The three Graces
After CLODION (1738 – 1814)
Crayon manner, impression in blood orange
(1729 - 1776)
Crayon manner
(Liège 1729 - Paris 1776)
after Edmé BOUCHARDON (1698 - 1762)
Crayon manner, impression in orange.
(1722 - 1776)
Jeune fille russe, en buste, de face
After Jean-Baptiste Le Prince (1734 - 1781)
Crayon manner engraving, impression in red
(Active near 1750 - 1785)
La femme mise à la raison par son mary
Etching handcoloured
(Paris 1736 - 1793)
Le Soir, de la suite Les Quatres heures du Jour
After Jean Frédéric SCHALL (1752-1825)
Crayon manner, impression in colours
(Paris 1736 - 1793)
L'Après-Midi, de la suite Les Quatres heures du Jour
After Jean Frédéric SCHALL (1752-1825)
Crayon manner, impression in colours
(Paris 1736 - 1793)
La Basse Cour
After Jean-Baptiste HUET (1745 - 1811)
Crayon manner handcoloured
(Paris 1736 - 1793)
after Jacques-Antoine BEAUFORT (1721 - 1784)
Stipple engraving, impression in colours.
(1736 - 1793)
after Jean-Baptiste HUET (1745 - 1811)
Stipple en graving, impression in colours.
(Paris 1736 - 1793)
Le Matin, de la suite Les Quatres heures du Jour
After Jean Frédéric SCHALL (1752-1825)
Crayon manner, impression in colours
(active end of the 18th century - beginning of the 19th century)
La Balanceuse
after Sigmund Freudenberger (1745 - 1801)
Aquatint in colors
(1717 - 1755)
L' homme de robe ; La femme de l'homme de robe
Engraving and etching, handcolored
(1732 - 1786)
The procession of the Eucharist the day of Corpus Christi
Etching handcoloured
(17.. - 1801)
Le trente-un, ou la maison de prêt sur nantissement.
After ean Urbain Guérin (1760 - 1836)
Stipple engraving, handcoloured.
(1755 - 1832)
Almanach national
Etching, roulette and aquatint in colors
(1755 - 1832)
Anglais en habit habillé
after Carle Vernet (1758 - 1836)
Aquatint handcoloured
(1755 - 1832)
The rose
Aquatint in colors
(1755 - 1832)
after Carle Vernet (1758 - 1836)
Aquatint handcoloured
(1755 - 1832)
Promenade au Bois de Vincennes
Etching handcoloured
(1755 - 1832)
Le coup de vent
after Carle Vernet (1758 - 1836)
Aquatint handcoloured
(1755 - 1832)
The Palais Royal gallery's walk
Aquatint, printed in colors with markers
(1755 - 1832)
Les deux baisers
Aquatint in colours
(Gerrmany 1711 - 1783)
[Commedia dell'arte : Arlequin and the frog]
after Matthias SILLER (1710 - 1790)
Etching, vintage colours
(1722 - 1776)
Painture and Sculpture
After Alexis Peyrotte (1699 - 1769)
Crayon manner, red impression
(1722 - 1776)
after François BOUCHER (1703 - 1770)
Etching and aquatint, impression in colours.
(1722 - 1776)
Woman give the breast to her dog
after François Boucher (1703 - 1770)
Crayon manner, red impression
(Active between 1680 and 1720)
Homme de qualité en habit d'hiver
Etching and engraving
(Active between 1680 and 1720)
Fille de qualité, en deshabillé d'esté
Etching and etching
(Active between 1680 and 1720)
Femme de qualité estant a sa toilette
Etching and engraving
(Active between 1680 and 1720)
Fille de qualité en habit d'Esté ala Vestalle
Etching and engraving
(Active between 1680 and 1720)
Homme de qualité en habit Despée
Etching and engraving
(Active between 1680 and 1720)
Femme de Marchand en deshabillé d'Esté
Etching and engraving
(Active between 1680 and 1720)
Femme de Qualité en Attendant Visitte
Etching and engraving
(Active between 1680 and 1720)
Fille de Marchand, estant à sa toilette
Etching and engraving
(Active between 1680 and 1720)
Fille de qualité en deshabillé détoffe Siamoise
Etching and engraving
(Active between 1680 and 1720)
Femme de qualité en habit d'Esté ala grec
Etching and engraving
(1661 - 1721)
Acis et Galatée
After François MAROT (1666 - 1719)
(1698 - 1772)
Le Passe Temps
after Antoine Watteau (1684 - 1721)
Etching and engraving
(Paris 1698 - 1772)
TETE TURQUE, plate from a set of six
After Charles Parrocel (1688 - 1752)
(Paris 1698 - 1772)
TETE TURQUE, plate from a set of six
After Charles Parrocel (1688 - 1752)
(1667 - 1756)
after Antoine Watteau
(Lyon 1667 - Paris 1756)
[Woman's back]
Figures de Différents Caractères du Recueil Jullienne
plate 56, Figures de Différents Caractères, Recueil Jullienne
after Antoine Watteau (Valenciennes 1684 - Nogent-sur-Marne 1721)
(French school of the 18th century)
Don Quichotte
(1718 - ca. 1780)
Etude de femme allongée, planche issue de Livre de diverses figures d'académies, dessinées d'après le naturel
After Edme BOUCHARDON (1698 - 1762)
(1702 - 1760)
La famille - Familia
After Jean-Antoine WATTEAU (1784 - 1721)
Etching and copper engraving
(1702 - 1760)
The folly
after Cornélis Visscher (1628/9 - 1658)
Etching and engraving
after Antoine Watteau (1684-1721)
Le May
etching and engraving
(Paris 1702 - 1760)
The Earth
After François BOUCHER (1703-1770)
Etching and engraving
(1702 - 1760)
L'enseigne de Gersaint
after Antoine WATTEAU (1684 - 1721)
etching and engraving